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Subject: FLASH: blatent rip off
Date: Fri, 17 Dec 1999 02:00:21 GMT

>I cannot believe that! It's HORRIBLE, in more ways than one. The only
>thing they managed to get halfway decent are the elements that are
>EXACTLY THE SAME as on Dennis Interactive. How horrible of them.

>>>I certainly don't find the Indian plagiarism 'horrible'. On the
>>>contrary, it's fuzziness is amusing.

Easy with the intellectual jabberwocky there- Bill Skywalker. You missed the
point. I think what Sarah was reacting to, as I did, was the initial shock
of seeing such a weird copy of a site that is respected in this circle for
it's level of artistic fluidity and skill - it set a higher level for us that
value original, creative vision. I don't think your defeatist attitude of
"come on I dare you to sue me and make me famous" helps anybody. Let's end
the suspense right now, let's take this tired scenario to its exciting
logical conclusion - Dennis Interactive sues Electronic Arts for plagiarism,
they win . Electronic Arts gets a little press, people have a little laugh at
them- story over. After that unfortunate incident - Electronic Arts won't be
taken seriously- and Dennis Interactive will, and now more for their
integrity and belief in their artistry. I believe that the best thing to do
is just ignore them, for the people it matters most to- us - the ones trying
to make interesting things with Flash- we know better. The most frightening
thing to people who are looking for cheap publicity is - SILENCE. Now that
uppercase lamentation WILL keep them up at night... Sooner or later they
will want to create something original that gets talked about.
Your silly quip that copyright is old-fashioned is ridiculous. Let me give
you a "worthwhile web precedent - you can use it real life too - it's fun :
Try to be original in everything you do. The infantile games that pretend to
push the boundaries are tedious.
As I'm writing this I see that you are pressing on with this- in a response
to Roger Heath, in the newest digest, yawn..... The internet is just starting
to happen but the same old values are still here, they didn't suddenly go
away. The only good surprises are good artists and great work.
You know, I had a much more "original" satisfying interpretation of the final
scenes in "2001"- by the way,a truly great, inspired, original work of art.
I think I'll keep it to myself....

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