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Subject: Re: FLASH: Flash 4, MP3 quality problems
From: Marc Hoffman (Dart Frog Media)
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 1999 23:36:05 +0100

At 08:47 AM 7/21/99 -0500, you wrote:
>I just recently upgraded to v4, but so far I'm really disappointed with the
>MP3 quality. I'm getting all sorts of crackles, pops, and distortions when
>I choose the MP3 compression.
>I know with v3 that there were distinct procedures/tweaks for bringing sound
>in and compressing it in order to get the best quality.
>I've tried all sorts of combinations (i.e., combos of the following
>variables: 11, 22, 44kHz; 8 and 16 bit, stereo and mono) but I'm still
>getting terrible sound.
>Additional details: I'm working with short (5-10 second) .wavs. I'm
>running a P2,450 PC.
>Since I haven't read any other complaints that I recall on the list, I
>figure I must be doing something amiss.
>Any suggestions?

Do you get the same distortion when exporting the .swf using ADPCM
compression settings in Flash? If so, you may have an incompatible wav
format (use only PCM Wav, not any other type) or your levels may be too
hot. Also, it is known that Flash audio does not work equally well on all
sound cards; some are plagued by noises such as you describe. I develop
using a "high end" audio card. I have to ignore the crackles that preceed
every sound. When I test with a soundblaster card, there's no problem.

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  FLASH: Flash 4, MP3 quality problems, Edward Cossette

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