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Subject: FLASH: Speed / benchmark issues.
From: Glen Rhodes
Date: Thu, 4 May 2000 15:05:11 +0100

Anyone know what particular things affect the speed / performance of a Flash
movie? Like, multiple MCs, transparency vs. opaque, gradiant vs. solid.. If
anyone has any details or if MM tech knows specifics.. I'd greatly
appreciate it as I'm trying to optimize a Flash program, and I want to know
where the bottlenecks are.


Glen Rhodes
dot com Entertainment Group Inc.
Tel: (905) 337-8524
Fax: (905) 337-8630

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  Re: FLASH: Speed / benchmark issues., Marc Hoffman, Poison Dart
  Re: FLASH: Speed / benchmark issues., Russell E. Unger

  Re: FLASH: duplicating movies and settin, Nathan Dicken

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