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Subject: FLASH: spyroscope
From: Nathan Dicken
Date: Mon, 22 May 2000 22:30:25 +0100

Hi all,

I wanted to share a project that I have been working on recently... It
started out as a "kalidescope generator" and adapted the name "spyroscope"
as a coworker of mine mentioned that it resembled what a spyrograph (sp?)
used to do. I can't remember ever seeing a spyrograph but thought the name
sounded good :)

The best way to get an idea of how it works is to go ahead and hit "create
group" and then play with the color selector. There is no erase function
as of yet but you can just hit reload for now. It works great with less
complexity and less on the screen but is slower as it gets more filled and
complicated. I'd appreciate any comments on how fast/slow it runs on your
machine. I'll be adding some more features such as resizing, erasing, and
auto-rotating soon.

Thanks in advance!

Nathan Dicken


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  Re: FLASH: spyroscope, Helen Triolo
  Re: FLASH: spyroscope, Michael Dunn

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