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Subject: Re: FLASH: Passing variables to a mc
From: Helen Triolo
Date: Sun, 28 May 2000 14:15:59 +0100

Matt Runo wrote:
> Hi-
> How can I pass a variable to a movie clip? I need, for example, "a" to
> pass from the movie to the movie clip.

You don't need to pass it. The movie clip can use variable a on the
main timeline just by referring to it as /:a, as in

Set Variable: "/:a" = /:a + 1
or Loop While (/:a <= 4), etc

/ means on the main timeline, and : means what follows is a variable.

helen triolo � http://i-technica.com
designerati-technica [dot] com � 301-424-6037

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  FLASH: Passing variables to a mc, Matt Runo

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