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Subject: Re: FLASH: Great Article about Flash, designers
From: John Croteau
Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 22:19:35 +0100

Hi Bill,

> Here is a link to a great article, even though it's old, at Webmonkey:
More like ancient. But its Designer verses Geek slant is still fresh.

> http://www.hotwired.com/webmonkey/geektalk/96/43/index3a.html?tw=java
> It talks about Shockwave vs. Java and Designers vs. Engineers. Some of you
> won't like it because it hits too close to home with its analysis of the
> designer mindset, but as someone who deals with both engineers and designers
> on a daily basis, I thoroughly enjoyed the insights....
It is both outdated and referring to Director not Flash.
However I have updated the comparison for Flash:

It's integrated into

It's included with Netscape,
Win 98, and Mac OS 8.5 and on
MSIE 4's CD as an
option. And hopefully
will be part of the MSIE
standard intalll soon.

It's a language, not a
product. As the language
grows, so does its
potential. And it's cheap.
But tools to enhance development
with it are not cheap.

It's a product. Products cost
money and you will have to keep
upgrading to get the latest and
best version.

It's object-oriented.

It's symbol oriented
but not object-oriented.

If you're not a geek, it's
difficult to use. You can
create many Java Applets easily
foe example with Flash.

Even for a designer, it's
relatively simple to use but
using some of its advanced
techniques can be difficult to master.

Macintosh browsers support
it but not without problems.

Flash has been cross-platform
since the beginning.


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John Croteau croteauaterols [dot] com (mailto:croteauaterols [dot] com)
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FlashTek (Advanced Websites with Flash) http://www.FlashTek.com/
Flash Central(The Universe Starts Here) http://www.FlashCentral.com/
The Flash Tech Resource (Tech Notes) http://www.FlashCentral.com/tech/
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  FLASH: Great Article about Flash, design, Bill Wagner

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