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Subject: Re: UKNM: Re: UKNM Digest V1 #178
From: jim smith
Date: Sat, 1 May 1999 13:07:50 +0100

At 4:23 pm +0100 on 30/4/99 you said:
>> Someone who has a site, which is quite good, functions well etc.
>> but is built using frames quite heavily. They say to you "we want
>> to be higher in the search engines", after explaining to them about
>> frames and search engines...what would you advise them to do?
>> Re-build their site from scratch? Make do with the present site,
>> and tweak other areas (metas etc.)?
>If they are contemplating a redesign, tell them this is a good time to
>dump frames. Otherwise, the reality is you'll probably have to work
>within the existing site, making tweaks and possible use of doorway
>pages. But if they are really keen on doing well at search engines, then
>I'd come down heavily that the frames need to go.
>By the way, thanks to those who mentioned my site. If you want a
>page particularly on the topic of search engines and frames, see


<NOFRAMES> + javascript

stef was right about learning HTML...


jim smith - jimatflenser [dot] co [dot] uk - http://www.flenser.co.uk 0961 319040
everything has been said, provided words do not change their meanings or
meanings their words -- alpha 60
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