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Subject: Skydigital banners (was: RE: UKNM: so net marketing types?)
From: Matt Jones-ONLINE
Date: Fri, 2 Oct 1998 10:56:32 +0100

> Wow. I thought I was wandering in with a fairly blatant troll. It's
> hideously ugly, pisspoorly executed, and more likely to irritate the
> hell out people than attract buyers.

Needs to be said, bobo. yesterday i staggered round the uk web, feeling like
i was being bludgeoned by an unpleasant smelling haddock. It was impossible
to get away from those "pisspoorly executed" pixels of Sky. They did look
terribly "geocities", dahhlings, you must admit...

As for irritating the hell out of people, stef, you've godda remember that
we're connected all day, and i guess the media-buying-masterminds behind
this just thought, let's get the poor buggers at home with a "scorched earth
policy"... it's almost certain that any UK webuser who wandered round
yesterday saw one of their banners, after all....

cojones xxx

  Re: Skydigital banners (was: RE: UKNM: s, Stefan Magdalinski

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