david rowan

A Monster Revolution? A fireside chat with Michael Acton Smith, CEO of Mind Candy, and David Rowan, Editor of WIRED Magazine

In a live interview the indomitable David Rowan of WIRED magazine will get behind the headline hype to talk about the journey that Michael Acton Smith and his team of Mind Candies have been on and where they are heading next.

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Date: 14 November 2011
Location: The Brewery, UK

The Future of Digital, Cream Tea & David Rowan

cream tea by I woz ereIt might sound like a slightly odd mixture, but the combination of digital futurology, a chance to hear Wired UK's, David Rowan whilst chowing down on a cream tea, sounds like a rather ideal Friday afternoon.

Organised by the (prepare for your afternoon tongue-twister), Creative Industries Knowledge Transfer Network, or (thankfully) KTN, who have already run a major nationwide survey and carried out interviews with leading figures as well as workshops and networking events, Digital Lounges, nationwide.

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