MobileMonday London
Event Info
"The next year or two will see some really smart, desirable mobile
services launch that use location. But it's the ones that are actually
based on stuff people want to do that will succeed.
It's more about great, desirable services that happen to have location elements in the mix.”
- Stuart Dredge (
that’s exactly what we’re going to take a look at on 12th October.
Stuart Dredge has kindly agreed to chair the session for us where we’ll
find out what services out there, challenging how we position and
market them, how much location matters (or not), and what customers
really want or need. We reckon it’ll be a lively debate kindly
supported by Skyhook Wireless. We have some great panellists lined up
for you which we’ll be announcing in a few days. And we’ll have some
demos for your delectation. We’re also still interested to find out
which LBS apps and services you use and why so do keep contributing to
the email thread on the topic.
Please Register and RSVP here: