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Subject: Re: FLASH: RE: Macs and market share Question
From: Bill
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 13:39:09 +0100

At 2:50 AM -0600 7/12/99, Frederico wrote:
>As others have noted, Macs cost more, and it is pretty easy without
>access to genuine demographics to infer that people willing to pay more
>for their computers have more money to spend in general, and, personally,

I'm not sure this is always the truth. I asked several local computer
suppliers (for business) to gave me quotes for machines that matched
the configuration of my B&W G3.400 (UW SCSI, ATA, 4-port serial, USB,
firewire, ethernet, sound, video acceler, etc>= 100 Mhz buses, etc)
the cost of all of them (sans monitor) was +/- $200 of what I paid
for my Mac and these were all no-name PCs. I understand that someone
in the know could probably get all this stuff much cheaper from
warehouses and configure it and with some effort get it working after
finding drivers the really will work together. But, this is
business-- no time for that.

In my world, Mac cost less and always have.


Ancient numismatics (Celtic); Pre-Christian Celtic studies
updated 5/2/99

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  Re: FLASH: RE: Macs and market share Que, Carlos Cardoso

  Re: FLASH: RE: Macs and market share Que, Frederico

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