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Subject: Re: FLASH: RE: Macs and market share Question
From: Carlos Cardoso
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 14:00:19 +0100

> In my world, Mac cost less and always have.

Please post a map. It's a nice world to visit ;)

Mac vs PC. It's not only a COST question. There's a whole Philosophy
behind it. I believe one must use the tool that does the job and fits
better. Some people work better with Mac others with PCs, and some with
Amigas. Period. This is not a productive discussion.

Now a better one:

Now that Flash handles forms, I see it as a future menace (not a phantom
one) the application sofwares, like Sun's Net Dynamics, and
client-server software in general. If Macromedia follows this trend,
Flash 5 will be a general-purpose client-server tool, and then, poor old
HTML frontends.

My questions:

1 - is anyone working with Flash as frontend to Intranets?

2- Can a flash movie, in a .exe file, connect with remote servers, and
transfer data from & to it ?

A Flash executable can be a killerapplication, as customized client

Carlos Cardoso
cardosoatpobox [dot] com
Tech Writer, BOFH, SysAdmin and Trekker
Linux Reg user # 92301

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  Re: FLASH: RE: Macs and market share Que, Persio Pucci (Atendimento

  Re: FLASH: RE: Macs and market share Que, Frederico
  Re: FLASH: RE: Macs and market share Que, Bill

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