What constitutes success in social media? Traffic? Return on investment? Accumulating social capital..? Discuss the issues at the next Chinwag Live session...
The relative peace of these first three days back in the office has given me far too many opportunities to procrastinate on the rather impressive email mountain that's appeared in my inbox over the holidays. In a further, and I'd like to think, rather productive attempt to put off tackling this I cast an email out to the sages of the uk-netmarketing list hunting for 2008 predictions for digital media, either those they'd found online or, if brave enough, any of their own.
Does the future fill you with excitement or gloom? As 2007 draws to
a close, Chinwag assembles some leading figures from digital
marketing and advertising to gaze into their crystal balls and
predict where we'll be in 5 years time.
The Chinwag massive was out and about yesterday, firstly taking in a Chinwag Live 'On Tour' session at ad:tech London, followed by a swift beverage across the road with friends, colleagues, contacts and exhausted exhibitors from the show.
In the TV business, there's a lot of discussion, some might say nooise, about user-generated content and how it can be harnessed to create "TV". I'm sure it's one of the topics that we'll tackle at the next Chinwag Live debate, Web TV Takeover.
Mobile business models are starting to shift, and with them the mobile value chain. How will these changes grow the mobile market and who will benefit? Will 2007 be the tipping point?
Thanks for your interest in advertising with Chinwag. We’ve put together all the info you need on one page. If you have any questions, please get in touch.
Strange that BT would choose a series of flying pigs to feature in their adverts promoting broadband Internet access. I'm still scratching my head and trying to figure out whether they thought they were being post-ironic. Maybe I'm missing the humorous side of it, altogether.