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Subject: Re: FLASH: How did they do that?
From: Carlos Ayala
Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1999 15:50:26 +0100

This site/movie you are reffering to was done in director.....this is a
scripting feature/mouseover technique provided by director and is very
easily achieved.

other sites that have this same function..

http://www.movedesign.com/moveweb/pages/mainframe.html <be sure to check
out the scroller on this page, on the bottom, and:


and i know that there is a ton of other director sites out there that use
this technique, i just can't think of them right now.

please keep in mind that i am no "Howdy Man" when it comes to director so
please excuse my references to director and functionally...my reasoning
comes from the sites that i have visited that were produced with
director.....maybe the D7 gurus on this list could better explain this

Now....can this be reproduced in Flash?
Sure....with complex TellTargets and MC's to recreate the effect.
But....would you really want to go thru with that? It seems that it is
much, much, easier to produce in Director.......

just my 3 centz,

CMA3 Designs NYC

At 10:15 AM 6/24/99 -0400, you wrote:
>http://www.creation.co.uk/ - once the opener loads, it seems the the
>position of your cursor on the screen dictates direction and speed. And is
>the setup doable in Flash?
>Bonnie Bucqueroux
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  FLASH: Flash 4 + Suitcase 3.0, Ulrich Sinn
  FLASH: How did they do that?, Bonnie Bucqueroux

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