mobile internet

Mobile Web Africa

If you, or the organisation that you represent, is currently involved in the development of mobile in Africa or is interested in exploring the potential business and developmental opportunities then Mobile Web Africa is an event that you should be attending. Please get in contact for more information.

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Date: 13 October 2009
Location: Michelangelo Hotel, ZA

Ten deadly sins of the mobile web

Following on from the above post about last night’s Mobile Marketing shindig we’ve summarised the top design and content mistakes that companies make when they transfer their online site to the mobile web.

Worthy of bearing in mind, I’m sure you’ll agree:

1) Not environmentally specific

2) Ignoring limitations of mobile devices

3) Failing to exploit the possibilites of mobile devises - it takes calls, its a calendar, it contains gps – you can take advantage of all of these.

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The Web and Beyond 2008: Mobility

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Date: 22 May 2008
Location: Buers van Berlage, NL