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Subject: Re[2]: UKNM: so net marketing types?
From: Phil Gyford
Date: Tue, 6 Oct 1998 14:03:20 +0100

I think the trouble is that we're arguing about completely different things.

<vaguely balanced and objective>
Ray and others are arguing about whether it was an effective ad (in terms
of people noticing it).

Myself, Cait, and others were arguing about whether it's something we'd
want to happen to our site in terms of pissing off users.

I'm coming to the depressing conclusion that these two sides will never
agree on this kind of thing, that we see the Net entirely differently. The
first group see it as an exciting new medium with different opportunities
for building brands in lots of new ways. The second group see it as an
exciting democratic medium which should have more to it than the pursuit of
</vaguely balanced and objective>

I find it incredibly depressing to hear points of views like Ray's. If you,
Ray, find it "difficult to be personally moved" by anything you see on the
Net, then please go and find something that does excite you, rather than
pushing depressing marketing schemes on the rest of us. This is far from
wishing to "restrict its use to those qualified" - As someone who lives far
too much of their life on the Net, I can't wait for friends and relatives
who know next to nothing about computers to come online, but I'd prefer it
if they didn't have to suffer marketing concepts which hinder their enjoyment.

You say "The thing I find sad is that so many people in a supposedly
revolutionary new medium are so set in their ways and blinded by prejudice
that they feel they must always knock companies such as Sky." Ray, this has
nothing to do with the advertiser being Sky. The interstitial page could
have been for something I really love and I would still feel it gets in the
way of people actually using and enjoying the Web, and detracts from the
host site's own character. This is also nothing to do with people being set
in their ways and blinded to revolutionary new ways of doing things. Part
of the reason most of us are in this industry (although I'm beginning to
wonder if we're in the same one) is because of the exciting pace of new
ideas. But something being new doesn't mean it's good.

There are too many people enthusiastically promoting the "new medium",
while still decidedly set in an old media state of mind, willing to sell
anything if it'll earn them a bit of cash, and not giving a shit about
their own sites or the end user.


  Re[2]: UKNM: so net marketing types?, Geoffrey Inns

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