social media week london

A Social Experiment : Can Man Live on Social Media Alone?

Are you a self confessed social media junkie with an appetite for adventure? If so then the opportunity of a lifetime awaits you!

The London Social Media Week team have teamed up with our friends in Singapore to run a mini exchange trip in conjunction with Social Media Week.

The overall person, five days, Singapore. Uncover the power of social media and how it can be used for social good.

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SMWLDN 2012 Brainstorm Round 2 Announced 7th Dec: Food, Fashion, Sport, Music, Gaming, Family

Brain Embroidery by Spectacles

After last week's successful Social Media Week London brainstorm - we're delighted to announce a SMWLDN Brainstorm Round 2 in preparation for next February's SMWLDN on Wed 7th Dec from 6pm - 8pm in Shoreditch or TechCity, if you're startup-minded (RSVP).

This time, the aim is to focus on how social media is affecting and impacting our day-to-day lives from the clothes we wear, the food we eat, the music we listen to, the games we play, the sport (some of us, ehem) do and our families.

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Your Guide to Hosting an Event for Social Media Week 2012

Plans for Social Media Week 2012 have well and truly started and some very exciting ideas have been flying around. Some events are already live in London and across the other 13 cities involved. Check out whats already planned for the week here:

Planning an event for Social Media Week can be slightly daunting. Where do you start? Do you have a panel session or a workshop? How do you invite people? Is there a hashtag for every event? Do you need to supply catering?

So many questions, so to help you plan and execute your event, along with hopefully answering all the questions you have, we've pulled together some guidelines to 'Hosting an event for SMW 2012'.

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Social Media Week London Brainstorm: Ideas & Inspiration for 2012

BRAIN HUE Collection by Emilio Garcia

Two heads are better than one. So, 35 must be exponentially better, right?

At Chinwag, we're big fans of building things collaboratively, so we thought we'd really push the boat out for the initial planning of Social Media Week London 2012 (SMWLDN), 13-17th Feb, in case you're wondering.

On Tuesday evening, after an open invite, 35 people gathered at Ketchum PR's offices in Shoreditch to ruminate, dream and scheme on the themes for next year's SMWLDN. Analysing last year's event and taking informal soundings, the group started to explore five starting points:

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SMW London Round-up: Social Telly: From Campaigning to Commentary to Community Building sponsored by Conversocial

Social Telly SMWLDN

Social Media Week London generated so much coverage that it's taken us a little while to pull together all the information. This review brings together the video, slides, pictures and coverage from Social Telly: From Campaigning to Commentary to Community Building, sponsored by Conversocial.

The event looked at the best practice in the world of TV and social media and lessons we can learn from this to take to the advent of social TV.

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SMW London Round-up: The Future of Social Search

Social Media Week 2011 #SMWLDN - Microsoft Advertising & iSpy

Social Media Week London generated so much coverage that it's taken us a little while to pull together all the information. Our first review brings together the video, slides, pictures and coverage from The Future of Social Search hosted by i-Spy Marketing.

The event investigated how Search and Social fit together, influence one another and how Facebook Advertising will be the next big thing.

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Social Media Week London - Latest List of Events, Over 70 of Them

Media140ThirdSector67 by Iain Weir

UPDATE: A more recent list of events that still have availability has been published here.

When we started the shenanigans that is Social Media Week London (Chinwag is the lead organiser), we estimated there'd be a maximum of 70 events with about 5,000 people attending. And we'd probably had a drink and were feeling ambitious at the time.

Yesterday, we breezed past the 5,000 RSVP mark for registrations at events across the week and the number of events (and believe us, it's tricky keeping track) passed the 80 mark.

Some of the events are full, and others filling up quickly, so one of our volunteers (thanks Anne) went through the whole list to find all of the events that still have space available.

Peruse the list below and click on the links for further info. If you're going to come along, please do RSVP to give the event organisers an idea on numbers. Any questions, the quickest response is via @smwldn. Hope to see you at some of the events...

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The Future of TV Advertising: Keeping it Social

Social TV offers the promise for advertisers to combine the quality content and wide reach of broadcast TV, with the engagement factor of social media. What are some of the opportunities that Social TV will bring to the table? Join our panel of brands, agencies and analysts to explore what the new social world means for TV advertising.

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Date: 8 February 2011
Location: The Design Council, UK

The Social Web - Have We Arrived? Hosted by Meebo

Meebo will lead a discussion on the changing definition of the “Social Web.” This conversation will explore whether the Social Web has truly arrived, how people are currently using it and more...

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Date: 10 February 2011
Location: The Design Council, UK

Game On! Games and Brands sponsored by Nokia and JWT

Traditional games companies are embracing social media, social gaming market is set to hit over $1bn this year and brands are combining game mechanics and social media to drive campaigns. Join the discussion with experts from Wired, JWT London and Nokia.

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Date: 9 February 2011
Location: The Design Council, UK

Social CRM: Building Customer love <3 sponsored by Nokia and NixonMcInnes

Social Media has changed the playing field in CRM, some companies are embracing this change and using it to help develop stronger, more transparent relationships with their customers. How are traditional CRM systems dealing with an exploding number of social CRM channels? Quick our expert panel, RSVP for your free ticket now.

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Date: 10 February 2011
Location: Design Council, UK

The "Friend" Close: Social Sales

Sales has come a long way from it’s stereotyped image of the persistent cold caller who won’t take no for an answer. Brands have been working hard to pull in sales and retain customers using a variety of methods. How can you mix both offline and online strategies to allow the customer to create their own journey? How can you maximise your ROI?

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Date: 9 February 2011
Location: Design Council, UK

Social Telly: from Campaigning to Commentary to Community Building sponsored by Conversocial

How can you manage the conversations, what platforms work best? How can you build a community around your programme? Can you integrate social into your programming content? We will look at the best practice across TV and social media and the emerging world of social TV. Join us for a spot of lunch and discussion with our expert panel. RSVP now!

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Date: 8 February 2011
Location: Design Council, UK

Apps Go Social sponsored by Nokia & GlobalWebIndex

The apps market is going from strength to strength, with brands dominating the space, the next generation of apps are increasingly becoming more social integrating; checkin's, likes and recommendation engines to add extra value to the user, any time any where. Includes a light lunch. RSVP!

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Date: 7 February 2011
Location: Scott Room, Guardian News & Media, UK

Social Media Showcase: The Future of Social Search hosted by I Spy

The future of Social Search will be investigating how Search and Social Media fit together, influence one another and how Facebook Advertising will be the next big thing. Speakers will include I Spy’s CEO, Jim Brigden, Facebook and Microsoft.

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Date: 10 February 2011
Location: Microsoft Auditorium, UK