On The Verge of M-ADness

Event Info

Mon 15 Oct, 2007 at 12:00am
La Galleria
5, Pall Mall, Royal Opera Arcade
London, SW1Y 4UY, UK


Humans are individuals that create communities. Our communities surround us all the time, wherever we go – we are always available to our friends and relatives. We interact with our community 24/7, through mobile devices and the internet. Through our own actions, we influence those that are around us. Communities can be reached through individuals. Knowing the unique needs, feelings, desires and ways of self-expression of individuals allows us to understand what makes communities tick, and how we can create a message that flows through individuals to entire communities.

Idean welcomes you to an evening of emotions – we present our view on how mobile marketing can be used as a way to reach the emotions of individuals.


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