Creative Business in the Digital Era (free seminar)

Event Info

Tue 18 Mar, 2008 at 6:00pm
Peter Street, Soho
London, W1F 0HS, UK
Cost: FREE


Free seminar with UK's leading social media expert for artists and creative entrepreneurs

Are you a writer, musician, film maker or visual artist? Or maybe you work as a manager, promoter, or executive in the music, publishing, film/TV or visual arts industries? Whether you are creative, a creative entrepreneur, or working at any level in the creative industries, you'll have seen, or experienced, how the internet is 'changing everything'. You'll probably have heard that the web is killing culture and your industry along with it. But the internet creates exciting new ways to distribute and promote creative works and should be seen by the creative industries as an opportunity rather than a threat.

Free culture - giving versions of creative works away, and even allowing others to copy, distribute, sample or create derivative works from them - is at the heart of these new opportunities. This approach seems alien to many in the creative world who assume that free culture cannot generate income, but a freer attitude to cultural distribution will help you connect with a new audience, to develop a more engaged audience and even to make new business connections.

The Creative Business in the Digital Era seminar, presented by Suw Charman, will help you understand the opportunities presented by open IP (intellectual property) and how being open should be a central part of your creative business model.

Who should come?
You could be a C-level executive or an independent creator, or anyone in between, from any size of company:

    * C-level executives, independents, freelances, entrepreneurs, corporates, SMEs
    * musicians, record labels, music publishing companies
    * writers, journalists, publishers
    * film makers, production companies, broadcasters
    * visual artists, photographers, artists, illustrators and designers

When and where is it?
The Creative Business in the Digital Era seminar will be delivered as a single full-day course, and as an evening course repeated on two
    * Day Course: 17 March 08, 9.00am to 5.30pm
    * Evening Course: 18 March 08, 6.00pm to 9.00pm
    * Evening Course: 19 March 08, 6.00pm to 9.00pm

All courses will be held at 01zero-one in central London (main entrance is on Hopkins Street):

Westminster Kingsway College
Soho Centre
Peter Street
London W1F 0HS

This is a subsidised course and is free to attendees. We will even provide attendees with lunch and refreshments.

How do I apply?
and download our Application Pack. The closing date is 15th February 2008, and we will respond to all applicants by 29 February 2008.

Any questions:
Contact Suw Charman or Michael Holloway at [email protected]
