What do UX Freelancers Get Paid? Survey Request

Salary by Evan Jackson

A post to Chinwag's uk-usability email discussion forum asked for help in putting together a salary survey for UX (User Experience for the uninitiatied) Freelancers.

Leisa Reichelt, herself a UX Freelancer asked for the subscribers help to fill out a salary survey for freelancers working in this booming area of the digital world. Dissatisfied with other surveys that concentrated on agency staff rather than freelancers, Lisa put together her own survey:

"I really want to get a broad a coverage / sample size as possible. I'm hoping to get a minimum of 150 UX Freelancers in the UK, I have 116 so far."

I contacted Lisa who has agreed to share the results with Chinwag when the survey finishes, so keep your eyes peeled. And if you're one of the aforementioned UX freelancers, don't forget to fill out the survey.

Photo (cc) Evan Jackson.