Widgets - My Punt at a Definition

The Chinwag massive was out and about yesterday, firstly taking in a Chinwag Live 'On  Tour' session at ad:tech London, followed by a swift beverage across the road with friends, colleagues, contacts and exhausted exhibitors from the show.

The session was great, even though I say so myself. Despite the terrible acoustics in the venue, it was a real insight to re-assemble most of the original panel and see how the whole area has moved on. Technical gremlins allowing, the podcast wil be on the site and iTunes within the next few days and it'll definitely be worth a lesson.

Steve Bowbrick, chairing the sesion asked each panellist to give a 25-word definition of a widget. I made notes and I'm hoping to write it up properly at some point. In the meantime, I came up with my own:

"A widget is a website that's been treated with AJAX and shrunk"