February 2008

Trade marks are property - treat them that way.

I see that Google is getting it in the neck again over trade marks. It seems it can't win - if it takes action to deal with trade mark infringers it is criticised as being over zealous and if it doesn't it is seen as being irresponsible.

I'm not going to add weight to any side of the argument here but it might help to explain a bit more about what trade marks are and what they do.

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Dotbomb talent purge casts a long shadow

2004-2008 A Partial Potted (UK) Web Media History:

Code orange alert: 2004. Sector has stabilised. Huge relief. Optimism. Hiring people. 2005. Excitement. Clients pupils are dilating... Upswing! Much client business incoming. Broadband upsurge. Money flooding into interactive advertising.

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Finding & Attracting Talent

As I mentioned before, talent is very hard to find these days and getting harder.  You may be looking for months for that perfect candidate so what do you do to ensure that you find it and then you attract and engage it? 

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Design and screen resolution

2007 was the year most agencies and clients really started to think of 1024 pixels and upwards as the primary horizontal screen resolution, rather than 800.

Of course the stats have shown that higher screen resolutions have been growing rapidly over the last few years, but until recently many clients still defaulted to the safety of 800 pixels.

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