Marketing Your Web Hosting Company: 3 Tips to Get Started

Numbers by Katey -

Earlier this year, according to, web hosting is one of the most popular business expenses in the USA had 200 million users, with this number continuing to increase. The photo-based app, acquired by Facebook in 2012, shares images with users and has become a marketing tool for brands and businesses. 

Now, web hosting continues to be the #1 marketing tool for big companies, says the co-owner of Boise Lawn Care.

The two can go hand in hand. Your blog strategy builds on the power and popularity of social sharing with photos or visual marketing.

"Visual marketing can sum up an entire concept with just one photo or it can complement a well-written piece of content to further highlight its message", says the Make Money Expert Troy Shanks.

Instagram is free, and when used strategically, can help build a bigger audience for a brand. Currently, uploading photos to Instagram is only available through mobile devices, but commenting can be done through a desktop log-in. Getting started with the app is fairly simple.

1. Create and Optimize Your Instagram Profile

Download the free app to your phone. When creating your company’s Instagram profile, make sure it is filled out completely with all your company information. Use your logo, tagline, and social media handles consistently and across the board with all of your marketing materials, including your social media profiles.

The social handle should be your company’s name or a derivative of the name that can be easily remembered for branding purposes. Include a short description of your brand, your website URL and other important information linked to your brand.

Anyone on your marketing team who has the Instagram app on their phone can log-in with the team’s username and password information.

2. Be Thoughtful When Using Hashtags

Hashtags are social cues using words or phrases that can be searched by users through Instagram. Though primarily used on Twitter, they have been embraced by Instagram users as well.

Keep them relevant to your business; otherwise, you can end up looking spammy and reduce your following. Typically, 3-5 is a good number of hashtags to aim for per post, but use your discretion. Remember: relevance always as the number one goal.

Use words or terms you want associated with your business. For example, if you are a donut shop, using the hashtags “donuts,” “bakery,” and “breakfast” are all good ideas to connect with your audience. Think about what search terms would be used to find you.

3. Tell Your Brand’s Story Through Photos

Sharing images that are representative and relevant to your business helps users understand who you are and what you stand for as a brand. Images can be used to tell the story of your business and to create a connection with online audiences.

You can upload photos of your team members, products and event flyers to boost promotion. You can post images that you want your brand to represent and how you want your business to be visually known. Be creative. Here's a list of five ideas to get you started.

Use images of your city, favorite meeting spots and with permission, photos of clients. You can also show-off your products without being promotional.

Social media influences are continuously changing the marketing industry. The focus on content, especially visual content, requires more attention than ever from marketers. Instagram is an easy way to engage with your audience online.

As with other social media profiles, Instagram is a tool to promote your business in a fun way and to attract a loyal following.

Photo (cc) by Katey Nicosia on Flickr.