Social Media ROI podcasts and pictures
Following successful outings at Internet World and ad:tech London earlier this year, Chinwag Live went on tour again in October, this time to the Ecommerce Expo at London's Olympia.
The session itself was rammed to the gills, with some of the more enterprising attendees sneaking in round the back. The panel tackled the practical side of realising ROI from social media, a topic which clearly resonated with the show's audience.
The panel chaired by digital strategy consultant and former Revolution editor, Philip Buxton featured Alex Burmaster, European Internet Analyst from Nielsen Online, Robin Grant, Founder & Managing Director from We Are Social, Ankur Shah, Co-founder from Techlightenment, Stuart Bruce, Founder & Managing Director from Wolfstar and Helen Lawrence, Social Media Planner from Dare.
The Chinwag gang were too busy rushing round, shoving microphones in people's faces so they could ask questions to take notes, fortunately some of the audience had laptops at the ready:
The podcast is available in either iTunes or RSS flavours from the links below:
Subscribe to the Chinwag Live podcast using RSS
Subscribe to the Chinwag Live podcast using iTunes
N.B. If you want to download the file, click on the RSS link and you'll get a handy list of all the podcasts for download.
And for pictorial evidence, check out the images below...
as well as these far more professional offerings from Benjamin Ellis: