SMW London Round-up: Social CRM: Building Customer Love <3, sponsored by Nokia and Nixon McInnes
Social Media Week London generated so much coverage that it’s taken us a little while to pull together all the information. This review brings together the video, coverage and slides from Social CRM: Building Customer Love, sponsored by Nokia and Nixon McInnes.
Social Media has changed the playing field in CRM, some companies are embracing this change and using it to help develop stronger, more transparent relationships with their customers.
The event looked at how different companies have used Social Media to develop meaningful relationships and recommendations and how you can take key steps to develop your online reputation.
It also looked at the future of Social CRM and the increasing value it will have in organisations. An exploration of this emerging field with case studies from the leading practitioners in the UK and a discussion about best practice for working with social media and CRM.
Social CRM: Building Customer Love <3, sponsored by Nokia and Nixon McInnes took places on Thursday 10thFeb 2011 at the Design Council in London.
The speakers included:
- Mark Squires- Communications Director, Social Media at Nokia (@DrPinball)
- Will McInnes- Managing Director of Nixon McInnes (@willmcinnes)
- Eliza St.John- Online Marketing Manager for The Body Shop
- Claire Kavanagh- CRM Manager for giffgaff (@clairekav)
- Chair: Vikki Chowney- Editor of Reputation Online (@vikkichowney)
- Passion and Instinct are best qualifications for CRM by Vikki Chowney // New Media Age
- Potential uses for Social CRM by Ross // Nixon McInnes
Amongst the many tweets, here are a select few: