Sun Goes Scrumping, Bites Apple TV Ad Parody

The Sun - UK's Best Handheld CampaignYou've got to hand it to The Sun for its latest set of ads. Taking firm aim at Apple and harnessing the full wit of it's sub-editor's headline legendary word smithery to great effect in these parodies created to celebrate The Sun's 40th birthday.

The ads are beautifully pitched avoiding invective and taking a tongue-in-cheek approach,

"The Sun has been the UK's best handheld for 40 years. Top news, sports, photos, gossip and games in an easy-to-share format. No waiting for pages to load, no contract, no losing reception. There's no substitute for the Sun."


As part of the campaign, The Sun is asking readers to vote on their favourite headline. I'll miss those headlines if SEO-conscious media organisations start getting overly literal in their headlines to court Google & Co.

For me, "Freddie Star Ate My Hamster" is always going to be hard to beat. What's your favourite headline?





Favourite headline was when Celtic lost to Inverness in the Scottish Cup:

Super Caley Go Ballistic, Celtic Are Atrocious.